When working with an interior designer, one of the biggest concerns (understandably) is cost.  All interior designers have a different pay structure, so I can only speak to how Molly Lauer Design operates.  I will say, I have been so intentional about complete transparency in my process when working with clients.  Although I can help my clients save time and money, I truly believe interior design services are a luxury and that is the experience I always want my clients to have when working with Molly Lauer Design.

The initial investment in an interior design package is usually the consult fee. The consult is typically a starting point for the projects, ideas may be shared but the goal is to get familiar with the space and each other to determine if the working relationship is a good fit.  When you hire an interior designer, it’s important to keep in mind that most projects today go on for at least 6 months, so the fit is going to be  key in establishing relationship that withstands the test of time (and let’s be real, delays). Most consults can be completed in one hour. Initial consult cost: $125/hr.

After the initial consult a proposal is sent and contract is signed.  If both parties are on-board, the concept phase begins.  During this phase, we are busy gathering ideas, getting bids and pricing, and laying out all of these concepts for you.  We may include some specific items but the goal is to make sure we are on the same page aesthetically. This phase can be time consuming and typically takes 6-8 weeks for a full service design project. This phase will require a deposit which varies depending on the scope of the project. The majority of “design time” will be used during this time. The total cost will be a small percentage based on your total budget.

Fixtures, furniture and will likely be the majority of the clients budget.  I’ve linked a good outline *here* via Band Design for good/better/best furniture and renovation investments.  In order to create a realistic budget, it is so important to go through item by item and find your number that way. This allows for less surprises in the end because you have already accounted for details down to the décor.

With our direct to trade furniture partners, we are able to source trade exclusive furniture that makes our clients home feel completely bespoke to them.  It’s also important to remember that when you have an interior designer sourcing and managing your items, they will track the item, coordinate with receivers for delivery, and handle any needed repairs or returns.

At Molly Lauer Design, we take our client’s investments seriously and strive to deliver a seamless process and product.