What is a design consult? The short answer is, it’s anything the client wants it to be!

At Molly Lauer Design, from first point of contact, I work to move you through a design process that is thorough and efficient. I always get really clear on the needs of the client before our first meeting, and I will always ask the client to do some specific homework as well.  These things help us optimize our time spent together and make sure we are aligned. 

When we get to the consult in your space, we can talk about anything and everything you want to talk about.  Consults are 1-2 hrs, with a 1 hour minimum.  I can answer any design questions you may have, including talking about layout, paint, styling, and even recommendations on where to buy from.  We can do quick, informal sketching to help conceptualize and clients often take notes or record the conversation.  The design consults are a less formal, more cost effective way to get the information often given in design plans.  We also conclude consults by giving you the Molly Lauer Design Finishing Guide, which addresses all of the finishing touches, from paint, rugs, window treatments and lighting.  

If you have a spring project coming up that you’d like to discuss, you can head over to our contact page to get in touch!